カイ・グリーンのインスタグラム(kaigreene) - 6月27日 21時07分

It was a decade long journey of trial and error as I formulated my ever changing plan of action. I think the biggest turning point was in 2007 when I went back to the drawing board, was totally honest with myself as to what I needed to do and how I needed to do it. And then, and this is the key, committing myself to doing it. You know people make grandiose statements like “Go Big or Go Home” on social media or wear T-shirts with a slogan like “You Can Be All That You Want To Be”. But making a statement or wearing a T-shirt won't take you to where you want to be. To accomplish your dreams you have to get in the trenches be honest and commit yourself 100% to a strategic plan. Never give up, keep prevailing and never lose faith that you will achieve your ambition. With that formula in place you can make your dreams reality.


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