エラ・ヘンダーソンのインスタグラム(official_ellahenderson) - 6月30日 05時09分

Something about the month of June being the birthday month of a lot of my best girl friends... this HAS to mean something!
This one though... honestly @kamille words don’t even describe how proud of you I am!! You are so talented, kind, funny, hard-working & down to earth!! Known you since I was 16yrs old & feels like you’re someone who came into my life to inspire me & encourage me to be no one but myself & to always be true to who I am. So... before I go on & on... because I could as I love u so damn much... Here’s to women lifting other women & being each other’s strength when we need a lil girl power ??? xxxx Els


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




