サラ・ラミレスのインスタグラム(therealsararamirez) - 7月1日 05時41分

This is what democracy looks like. Thank you to all the organizers and sponsors of today’s #Boston Rally Against Family Separation, and all people everywhere who showed up today. I’m here for the people who can’t be with us today. I’m here for the children and families who are separated and detained, for the people who are incarcerated, for the people who fear arrest and violence. I’m here for the people who can’t be with us today. #Boston Rally Against Family Separation. #FamiliesBelongTogether #EndFamilySeparation @marchforwardmass @MassJw @chelseacollab_617 @mataharijustice @Join_SIM @muslimjusticeleague Call your congressman and tell them to abolish ICE and end family separation. #DitchTheList to stop Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominees.


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