Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 7月2日 23時56分

New Brighton Revisited ? The exhibition opens at The Sailing School Gallery, New Brighton on July 14th and runs to August 25th! About the exhibit ? “This release from the daily grind, this sense of space, and the otherworldly nature of New Brighton are reflected in the world-class photography that has been made there by three photographers who lived, worked and socialised together in the 1980s and 1990s; Ken Grant’s black and white images of the town show an intimate and poetic understanding of how New Brighton and the open reaches of the Irish Sea provide an escape from the intensity of urban living; Tom Wood’s long term photography of the town and its people is a philosophical insight into what we are, who we are and how we live, while Martin Parr’s internationally acclaimed pictures from New Brighton show the town in uncompromising detail during the height of Margaret Thatcher’s economic war on the north”. Read the article written by @colin_pantall on vogue.it ✨


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