イリース・バウマンのインスタグラム(baumanelise) - 7月4日 09時20分

Can’t believe it’s been over a week since we wrapped the Love Fan Fest Convention in Barcelona! What an amazing weekend meeting so many sweet European souls. Being at a convention like LFF reminds me of how important community is, and why we still need spaces like @lovefanfest. For many attendees, it was their first time being in a room full of LGBTQ+ people. I met a bi gal who was nervous to bring her cis hetero boyfriend along and was met with acceptance and love. I met trans folx who met other trans folx and became friends. I met a woman who couldn’t take photos because she was not out and was afraid of people in her hometown finding out, which broke my heart, but I’m happy she was surrounded by so many awesome loving people for a weekend. It was truly an honour to meet each and every one of you, and I can’t wait to return to Europe again in the future! Loads of love being sent across waters until then. ? Photo by @christianhors (Also, how hilarious is it that @natvanlis and I always end up showing up to photo shoots in unplanned complementary outfits. ?)


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