ウィル・アイ・アムのインスタグラム(iamwill) - 7月5日 03時53分

Marketing only pays attention to the “market place” to grow the market place...and companies marketed so much & so well that they ignored the health conditions of the community...companies market & and pumped billions to get people to buy things that ultimately create an unhealthy society...(obesity, diabetes, cancer etc)...companies market poison and we buy it...the marketing is so convincing...the marketing makes me think and believe the products are healthy...what I like about being VGANG is...there wasn’t a commercial or an advert that made me convert...it was passionate influencers working with no money....influencers have what companies and marketing firms don’t have...and that’s passion to convert...love to inspire and change from the soul...I can’t wait for more influencers to influence humanity down the wellness path...because the FDA should be replaced with the MBSA...(mind body and soul administration)...imagine that...
Life would be golden...and medicine wouldn’t be needed to fight off the poison we were told was safe to consume... #art #smart #heart


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