ブリット・マーリングのインスタグラム(britmarling) - 7月7日 02時11分

Being in the edit is the hardest part of filmmaking for me. When writing or acting the only real limit is your imagination. When editing you have to tell the best story with what you had time to capture rather than what you can conceive of. Some days in the edit bay on @the_oa Part II are sublime — you restructure a sequence or cut out of a scene early and the story comes alive, or, an editor shows you a cut of a scene that never worked that well on the page but sings on screen. Other days in the edit are rough duty — you come face to face with your shortcomings and have to keep going, in fact, have to be inspired by those shortcomings to find something new and more authentic than what was planned. Thankfully we have amazing editors, allies and guides — one of whom is our producer at plan b Sarah Esberg (image 2 and 3 with co-creator @z_al ). She’s due to give birth any day now and still in the edit with @z_al and me giving invaluable ideas and insights. It’s early days but I will say this — something wholly original is emerging and that feels terrifying, which to me is a good sign.


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