Eelco Roosのインスタグラム(croyable) - 5月2日 03時46分

#linus #mobilemotion

thought i would give you a little tip about capturing motion. I get a lot of comments on pictures which have movement in them, 'is this really iPhone?' 'Well shutter-speed must have been all the way up!'. The trick to capture motion without it getting blurry is, first off making sure you have enough light, besides that, pre focussing is very helpful, use the AE/AF lock option on your native iPhone cam (sorry androids, i don't own an android (yet)). So first compose your picture, then point and press in the camerascreen at the point you want it to focus/calculate the light, and keep pressing until you see AE/AF Lock in the bottom of your camera screen.
Now wait for the subject to get into frame, and your iPhone is always fast! AE/AF Lock will stay locked until you press the screen again!

Hope this helps!

With this picture i started a new tag: #mobilemotion feel free to tag your pictures, make sure there is movement in them!


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