instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 7月9日 04時26分

@mitchellthayne So I’ve got bad news... well initially it was bad, but I’m trying to have a good outlook on it... so let’s just call it news. While filming in Hawaii my camera broke due to a faulty underwater housing. Immediately my heart sank when I realized that my main tool for capturing my experiences and work was now toast. To be honest, I’ve felt stressed. I’ve got bills to pay, jobs to do and people relying on me, and now my trusty #sony a7rii is broken. I don’t have money to buy a new one... I’ve been frustrated by the situation and overall have had a bad attitude. But the past couple days I thought about it — I’ve been wanting to get a new camera for a while now anyway. Plus, if I’m as good a photographer and videographer as I hope to be, then I can make due with a go pro, iPhone and my old canon until I have enough money to upgrade. It’s a chance to push myself outside of my creative comfort zone. I also realized that I want to expand my talents and abilities beyond just creating content. I want to stretch myself and be more than I have been. — so yes, in conclusion, me breaking my camera totally blows. But with an adjustment to my attitude and outlook, I realized I can grow and be better because of it. ? cheers to progression and to raising our foot a little higher to turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




