ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 7月17日 02時50分

Video by @Joel Sartore |
This spectacular bird is an Andean Cock-of-the-rock, photographed at @dallas_world_aquarium. The national bird of Peru, this species is easily identified by its fan-shaped crest and brilliant orange plumage. They get their name from their preference for rocks and ledges as the base for their mud cup nests, which the females are responsible for building. Males gather in groups in a location called a lek to perform elaborate courtship displays. They even try to attract females with a call that sounds like a pig squealing! They bob up and down, bowing and hopping around to display their bright plumage. Males will mate with more than one female and, once she lays her eggs, she cares for the chicks by herself. Follow @Joel Sartore to see another video of this spectacular bird! #PhotoArk #andeancockoftherock


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