エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 7月19日 07時55分

The face you make when you realize you have to write your cheat meal into your @1stphorm fitbook? keeping track of my workouts and meals has really helped me stay focused lately. There’s so many sneaky things that add up-especially for me extra glasses of rośe here and there, so writing everything down makes me accountable. And even if I do decide to live my life and have a cookie-I can just add in extra time on the stair master and then proudly add that to my fitbook to balance it all out! I really love getting outdoors to hike and my #1stphorm backpack is the best cause it holds everything I need for an outdoor adventure :) hope everyone is having a really happy and productive week! #happyhumpday #health #fitness #meals #workout #duespaid #iam1stphorm #LA #hiking


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Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
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