When people first turn down the road to BJJ... the first billboard should read: TURN AROUND. Because 20 years on & after investing more time than it takes to get a PHD from MIT, you’ll have mangled toes, a sore neck, arthritic fingers, ears that look like disfigured assholes, and a black belt that’ll be wholly meaningless to anyone outside of a tiny circle of BJJ practitioners... And to most, the ends will never justify the means. But, for the few that keep on driving... the rare that see the ends for the monument that it is... and actually CRAVE those ugly means... the second sign should read: WELCOME. Because on the upside, and to those few that DO know what you will have achieved, you’ll come pre-approved... because they’ll know that even in light of all that crap... YOU wouldn’t be dissuaded in ascending the mountain that is one of the rarest, most difficult, and most prestigious of all martial arts... because you knew it would be worth it... and that you’re happy to be in that .001% club full of scars, bumps & bruises, because the salve is an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, paired with an invaluable skill that holds potentially life saving real world application, such that should an unarmed test of wills ever be forced upon you... yours most likely won’t even take a fucking dent. So yeah, it’s gonna hurt... a lot... as any endeavor worth a shit does... and ask more of you than most anything else... but I fucking guarantee you, it’ll be one of the most lopsided purchases of your life. #BJJlifestyle #BJJ4Life @hollywoodbjj @hbjjhouston #SelfDefense #KidsSelfDefense

spflaneryさん(@spflanery)が投稿した動画 -

ショーン・パトリック・フラナリーのインスタグラム(spflanery) - 7月26日 03時29分

When people first turn down the road to BJJ... the first billboard should read: TURN AROUND. Because 20 years on & after investing more time than it takes to get a PHD from MIT, you’ll have mangled toes, a sore neck, arthritic fingers, ears that look like disfigured assholes, and a black belt that’ll be wholly meaningless to anyone outside of a tiny circle of BJJ practitioners... And to most, the ends will never justify the means. But, for the few that keep on driving... the rare that see the ends for the monument that it is... and actually CRAVE those ugly means... the second sign should read: WELCOME. Because on the upside, and to those few that DO know what you will have achieved, you’ll come pre-approved... because they’ll know that even in light of all that crap... YOU wouldn’t be dissuaded in ascending the mountain that is one of the rarest, most difficult, and most prestigious of all martial arts... because you knew it would be worth it... and that you’re happy to be in that .001% club full of scars, bumps & bruises, because the salve is an unparalleled sense of accomplishment, paired with an invaluable skill that holds potentially life saving real world application, such that should an unarmed test of wills ever be forced upon you... yours most likely won’t even take a fucking dent. So yeah, it’s gonna hurt... a lot... as any endeavor worth a shit does... and ask more of you than most anything else... but I fucking guarantee you, it’ll be one of the most lopsided purchases of your life. #BJJlifestyle #BJJ4Life @hollywoodbjj @hbjjhouston #SelfDefense #KidsSelfDefense


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