リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 7月28日 11時04分

Stargazers and astrophotography enthusiasts will be a bit bleary-eyed this morning!

The longest total lunar eclipse of this century took place in the wee hours, starting at around 3:30am. During the eclipse the moon still gets some sunlight, that has been refracted by the earth’s atmosphere. The moon looks red for the same reason that we see a red sky at sunrise and sunset – the earth’s atmosphere scatters the blue light, leaving only the redder wavelengths to make for a “blood moon”. Mars was also clearly visible as a bright spark near the moon as the planet was the closest it has been to us in 15 years. – LHL (A composite photo stitched from 6 separate photos that were taken at 3-minute intervals between 3:45am to 4am. It shows the Moon’s trajectory toward the right as it enters the umbra or Earth’s shadow. / PMO Photo by Chiez How)


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