Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 8月3日 22時59分

Immaginare un domani ⭐️ A childhood in Africa marked by grief and violence, then liberation and success in America: the story of twenty-three-year old ballerina Michaela DePrince, born in Sierra Leone as Mabinty Bangura, is extreme. Her story will be told in a film, directed by Madonna, who saw it as a unique opportunity for recounting the bloody civil war in Sierra Leone, of which Michaela shares one memory: “I came across the photo of a ballerina: it comforted me from the horrors of the orphanage, letting me imagine a tomorrow.” ?
An interview with ballerina @michaeladeprince by @_valentinabonelli_ in our new issue and today ? on vogue.it
? by @joannatotolici


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