Lily Ivyのインスタグラム(nakedbl0ndeee) - 8月6日 02時44分

Made it back to my roots for a visit and started my SUNday with a beautiful yoga flow and some magical cacao, sending all of my l o v e to you???✨?‍♀️?☀️ Also some recent writings:
A gentle reminder that being yourself authentically can be incredibly healing to others who may need it in the moment.

However, it’s none of our responsibilities to attempt to drag others to where we’re at consciously.
This is not an act of care.
In fact, it’s selfish on our part. Nobody is obligated to change so that WE can be more comfortable.

To be present with someone just as they are right now is one of the kindest acts we can offer.

Forcing our own unique healing and growth onto others is not.

Nobody’s growth looks the same, and people are where they are right now for a Divine reason.

It’s important to respect that.

And not only respect it, but to make peace with it on our part.

It’s okay to not resonate with others, and it’s okay for them to be somewhere else.

Open yourself up to forming relationships with people who are vibrating on a similar frequency, and send love to other’s who are not as they go along on their journey.

We’re all making our way back home somehow. Let others do so at their own pace, and you do so at your own.

Our only responsibility is to love, and to be.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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