ルーペ・フィアスコのインスタグラム(lupefiasco) - 8月8日 22時52分

Spotify is not your friend. They are just a necessary evil. Fight a little harder when your manager or lawyer tries to peer pressure you into accepting shit that feels wrong in your soul. 9 Times out of 10 your right AND they don’t have to sign their soul away to that shit, YOU DO! You are worth more than what they say you are. Also if they have a reputation for being dirty in the past THEY WILL BE DIRTY IN THE FUTURE! These dirty motherfuckers won’t change the behavior that got them where they are. They fuck with you now because you are on trend and fashionable once that #WAVE dies and the new hot young blood comes through the door your ass will be forgotten about and marginalized ESPECIALLY if you had little to nothing to do with the music you make! Work smarter & harder! ?? just a little advice...but you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do tho ??‍♂️... IF YOU “UNITE YOUR EYES” THINGS WILL LOOK MUCH DIFFERENT!!! #LoveMusicButHateTheMusicBusiness

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