イングリッド・ニールセンのインスタグラム(ingridnilsen) - 8月9日 06時37分

Feeling sweaty, stretched, and re-centered after a long yoga session today. I find that getting out of my head and onto the mat always helps when I’m feeling down, even if it’s just a little bit. Also, a side note: I’ve been on a personal body hair journey over the last year and a half. I hate that women are told that they need to have hairless bodies in order to be beautiful/socially acceptable. So many of us (myself included) have been conditioned to hate this natural part of ourselves. I’m not in a place where I can say I LOVE my body hair, but I have found more moments of acceptance and I’m grateful for that. Honestly, I go through phases of shaving, not shaving, waxing and not waxing. I’ve been curious to explore what my hair feels like at all lengths in all places on my body. Right now, I’ve just started another “not shaving/waxing phase”... so my underarm stubble says hello ?


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