デイビット・チャンのインスタグラム(davidchang) - 8月10日 01時37分

I've been friends with @nickkroll for 20 years. One of the best guys you could meet. He's been eating at Momofuku since the early days (when we had dumplings and ice cream sandwiches at Noodle Bar!!) We talked for so long that we broke it into two episodes. In this one, we talked about jumping between projects, the mix of pride and jealousy when your friends succeed, and doing jobs that none of our peers thought we'd succeed at. Listen at the link in my bio. And go see Operation Finale with Nick and other heavyweights like Sir Ben Kingsley and Oscar Isaac and coming soon the upcoming new season of @bigmouthNetflix!! @davechangshow @majordomomedia @ringer #toomuchtuna

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