Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 8月10日 21時02分

The other day, the English guy who was staying here caught 2 large mackerel in the fiord down the house. A successful day, as his fishing experience were often fruitless. Leif, the farmer filleted the fish, and I took on the task of cooking it. They did not expect it, but I felt like bringing on some Mediterranean vibes to the nordic countryside. So I chopped 5 garlic cloves into a pan, added —what they call— olive oil (let’s not get started on this and move on ?), then added sliced tomatoes from the greenhouse in the garden (they’re good!), added some salt and let the mackerel fillets cook in the garlicy tomatoes. Later added olives and some fresh herbs from the garden and served it with our home made bread. I should say it turned out AMAZING. I don’t normally like mackerels and I’m not even great at cooking fish anyway, but this one is good recipe. ???
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