Bielのインスタグラム(biel) - 8月14日 08時22分

Haven’t posted anything about this old guy’s birthday yet cuz I was waiting for this... I think this video expresses more than words. I just wanted to let you know @pierre that what you been doing for me nobody ever did before, man. I blew up outta nowhere in brazil and whoever signed me there, singed an artist that was already making money. I’m getting to know the real hustle with you. I’m getting to know myself better as the days passes by and your presence in my life is FOR SURE hurrying my process up. I admire the human being you are. You’re loyal. You’re real. One day I’ll learn to live life like you but until there all I can say is thanks for sharing your life experiencie with me and letting me be part of this amazing journey we’re living that wouldn’t be possible without you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PUTO, LETS GET ITTTTT ❤️ (by the way anyone anxious for the singles?) FULL VIDEO ON YOUTUBE LINK BIO / (á propósito, alguém aí ansioso pros singles?) VIDEO COMPLETO NO YOUTUBE, LINK NA BIO (?@freitas_gui @awseibt)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




