ケイトリン・ブリストーのインスタグラム(kaitlynbristowe) - 8月14日 09時09分

Couple things.
Did you know that you can have Botox and still post a #Realstagram ? Doesn’t make you less real. Did you know you can have microbladed brows, and still do a realstagram? Doesn’t mean you need to call me out. The message behind a realstagram is that, we we are all human, and we are all victims to the suckhole of comparisons. Did you know that social media ISN’T REAL LIFE??? If you guys love me for my confidence, my happiness, and my humor, I want you to love me for my insecurities and my hard days as well. Because that’s real. Sometimes, believe it or not I have really bad days. Anxiety is something very new to me but also very real. We go through things as human beings wether you have a platform or not. And I just wanna say, that no matter where you’re at emotionally today, could be different tomorrow. So feel your feelings. Sit in being sad and uncomfortable, and try to learn from it. And most importantly, talk to someone about it. Today is a tough day. And to be honest what started it was just missing Tucker. ? I’m counting down the days to see him again. Just wanted to tell ya you’re not alone and you’re not crazy to get caught up in your emotions. You’re human. Now go throw a scrunchie in your hair and give yourself a mirror high five. ?


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