ミシェル・モナハンのインスタグラム(michellemonaghan) - 8月16日 01時07分

What were you doing when you were 24 years old? Lieutenant Marina Hierl is busy being the first woman (ever!) to lead an American infantry platoon. At 24! So rad! You know the love and respect I have for our females who make up the U.S. Armed Forces and I am stoked to cheer her on from afar. Did you know that of 184,473 Marines, only 15,885 are women, and only 80 of those serve in combat roles? It takes an admirable strength, determination, dedication, and drive for any service member who chooses that life- better yet, I'm loving the #girlpower. Get it, Lieutenant! ❣️#wcw #badasswoman #LieutenantMarinaHierl


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