ジョシュ・ダンのインスタグラム(joshuadun) - 8月16日 08時59分

In case you didn’t know, @glennholmesla is the man.

I’ve been training with Glenn for almost two years now and it’s made me feel the best I ever have, both physically and mentally. His skill with form and technique has relieved pain I’ve had for years as well as helped with anxiety and mental clarity.

I started boxing with Glenn so that I could keep up with the live show and hit my drums harder, but I’ve realized it’s helped me with rhythm even more than I would have guessed.

I can’t stress enough how much taking care of your body helps your mind.

Thanks @glennholmesla and also @ジョン・フェルドマン for always pushing me and encouraging me.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




