サマンサ・ペスゼックのインスタグラム(samanthapeszek) - 8月16日 23時27分

Have you ever been bullied for having big muscles? @amandakborden answers this question along with revealing many other life lessons the sport has taught her. Amanda was my gymnastics idol growing up. She was confident, strong, and genuinely enjoyed gymnastics. These are all the qualities she still has & just some of the reasons I still look up to her today. In this episode, we talk about Amanda juggling a lot of different roles in the gymnastics world: former athlete, coach, gym owner, & the most important, a gym mom! She gives great parenting advice & even tries to describe each of her 1996 Olympic teammates in one word! It's an episode full of inspiration.
To listen, go to the link in my bio or download it on iTunes or Android. Thanks to our sponsors @tumbltrak @destiraleotards

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