アシャンティのインスタグラム(ashanti) - 8月17日 10時32分

I had a special moment with the Queen Miss Aretha that is truly dear to my heart... I will never forget I was in Canada for a concert back in 2003... and my mom got a phone call on her cell...it was Miss Aretha Franklin and at first my mom didn’t believe it until she really listened to her voice she said to my mom “Hi let me speak to your baby I wanna tell her about these germs” My mom is looking like huh?? And says ok sure of course Ms Aretha... I get on the phone and I’m like oh my gosh I can’t believe this is this really Ms. Aretha Franklin? She says “Yes it is baby I’m just calling to tell you to be careful out there you know they got that SARS stuff going on...don’t touch any of the door knobs and hurry up and get out of there! I don’t want you to get sick!” I said oh my God thank you so much I can’t believe you actually called me this means the world to me thank you so much & I promise to get out of here 1st thing in the morning! It honestly felt like a phone call I would get from my grandma! ❤️ Rest In Peace Queen.


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