ブライス・ダラス・ハワードのインスタグラム(brycedhoward) - 8月18日 00時59分

As I prepare my kids for the start of their 1st and 6th-grade school-year, I can’t help but think back on my own vivid memory of the night before I started first grade. I’d love to say I was excited, but the truth is I was anxious and terrified! In fact, I bawled my eyes out, to my parents’ great distress. “Who would I sit next to? What if I couldn’t learn to read? What if Jason Y (the love of my life at that point) wasn’t in Mrs. Clark’s class with me!? What then I ask you!?” Thankfully, by the time I had entered middle school, the epic terror subsided, but I’ll never forget the butterflies in my stomach as I would spend the night meticulously laying out my outfit; packing my backpack with new school supplies, wondering who my new teachers and friends might turn out to be and what might be in store for the coming year. There’s something almost sacred about the night before school, it’s sort of a right of passage. As a parent, I want to do whatever possible to support my kiddos with these key “growing up” moments. That’s why this back-to-school season, I’m so thrilled to be working alongside @Target to share some of my simple, yet key strategies for getting prepared so that we can all feel confident for that first-day of school! #YouGotThis #ProudTargetPartner


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