ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 8月18日 04時17分

Photograph by David Chancellor @chancellordavid - May, resting on the hill, on Invermark, Cairngorm National Park, Scotland - Heather moorland is rarer than tropical rainforest, and 75% of it is found in the UK as a result of grouse management which provides an incentive to conserve these moorlands, despite enormous economic pressures of subsides to intensify forestry and farming operations. However, the methods employed by gamekeepers on these moors to support a large population of grouse are constantly a matter of debate; management includes heather burning, and routine control of predators such as foxes, crows and stoats, which many feel abhorrent. But there’s also evidence that this management correlates with higher densities of plover, curlew, lapwing, redshank and ring ouzel - I’m indebted to #invermarkestate for giving me the opportunity to fully explore and understand all the complexities faced by estates such as this #invermarkestate in this hugely challenging and spectacularly precious ecosystem that is #cairngormsnationalpark #wildfire #wildlife #scotland - follow me @chancellordavid to see more from this extraordinary precious corner of our planet.


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