エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 8月18日 05時28分

Happy Birthday to us @アレックス・オノルド !! ?? I really like sharing a bday with you even though you always steal my thunder a little with your epic fame and celebrity status ???? only to be made worse now that you are going to be a movie star....?? but really you are pretty rad ? Perhaps Alex's best quality is his passion for giving back and using his platform to make the world a better place. For our birthday this year I donated to the @honnoldfoundation and signed up for a membership with @mossy.earth in an attempt to follow his example. I really do believe the most important thing we can do as professional athletes is figure how best to leave a positive impact on our communities and the world in general and Alex is one of the most genuine examples of someone who puts alot of energy into achieving just that. [Link in profile to the Honnold Foundation] And thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!!! I feel so loved ❤❤❤ // ? @jimmy_chin


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