FOLKのインスタグラム(folkmagazine) - 8月21日 07時02分

This morning I posted a sponsored post. It was the first sponsored post we’d done in six months. Over the past few months I’ve discussed my distance for sponsored content, for my belief for respecting the community, and so on. Last month my team, my advisers, and I decided it was time to dive into our website. We made the decision that we would be doing one to two sponsored posts a month in order to finance the team that would run our website and our social media. By doing this we are now able to have daily content on our website, we are able to promote adventurers and makers from all across the globe. We are terribly sorry to anyone we offended by doing a sponsored post, but we feel the benefits to the community far outweigh the inclusion of a single post in your feed. We will be doing these once or twice a month. We are not changing our commitment to makers or to adventure or to living authentic. We are simply providing the means to pay the team members who make our website and our social run. || Photo by the absolutely amazing @chriskpickens #liveauthentic ||

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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