ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月21日 07時04分

In 2016, Kala La Fortune Reed rediscovered her bicycle and started riding all over Newark, New Jersey. One day, a man called out to her. Keep it up, he said. There aren’t enough girls on bikes. She scanned the streets and realized he was right. Studies backed up what her eyes told her: By middle school, girls are riding less than boys; by the time they grow up, women make up just 24% of riders in the U.S. ? Kala’s solution: @girlsonbikess, which aims to achieve pedal equality for a new generation of girls and women. She recruited Maseera Subhani and Jenn Made, friends from @rutgersu who shared her love of cycling and for Newark itself. “We’re breaking the stigma and norm of who a female rider is supposed to be,” Maseera said. Kala interned with a local bike mechanic. Jenn created a curriculum for school workshops. And Maseera found graphic designers and reached out to other community group. The women, who are all 22, recruited a dozen volunteers and began hosting learn-to-ride lessons and evening tours that favored conversation over competition. A mission emerged. “We wanted to create a sisterhood,” Kala said. “We go really slow. We have fun. We’re doing this to build relationships, to build a movement.” @dontgabalot took this photo of Kala while on #nytassignment in Newark, New Jersey. See @nytgender for more photos. #?‍♀️


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