I can’t believe we eat these beautiful beings ? _ I’ve been primarily plant based for over 20 years. It was one of the first things that I just “felt” needed to shift when I started practicing. It came from the heart. _ I understand that not everyone is in a position to adopt the vegan diet, but for those who have the ability and aren’t restricted by specific life situations, and especially for us yogis, I encourage you not only to think but to feel from your heart before you eat. _ I know I’m a privileged person and I have the economic means to choose what I eat. Some people say that you can’t eat vegan and organic on a budget or access healthy foods in certain places. You might be right. I’m not judging you or anyone else individually. There are certainly food deserts where what constitutes vegan food is a wilted piece of lettuce. What I encourage is conscious awareness of the means of production and responsibility for each step of the way, and to change If you have the financial, mental and emotional means. _ I know some yogis who want to eat eggs and poultry but don’t support industrialized production. So they have a bunch of chickens and turkeys and raise them. If they want to eat an egg or an animal one day, they go get an egg or choose to kill and slaughter one of their animals. While it’s not something I would personally do, I really respect their choice. That’s consciousness in action and full assumption of the consequences of the choice to consume animals. Imagine if you had to kill the cow before you ate it, or milk the cow to get your butter. _ Look at these beauties and how they sing along, I don’t know where we stopped treating other animals as sentient beings and started treating them like inanimate objects to be exploited, but I can’t help but think we will look back at this time in history with horror. Then again, we treat each other with such disrespect that it’s heartbreaking. We have a long way to go but I believe we take one step further along the path every time we open our hearts and truly empathize with a fellow sentient being. _ May all beings, human and non-human, be free from suffering, free from harm, be happy and be peaceful.

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 8月23日 02時41分

I can’t believe we eat these beautiful beings ?
I’ve been primarily plant based for over 20 years. It was one of the first things that I just “felt” needed to shift when I started practicing. It came from the heart.
I understand that not everyone is in a position to adopt the vegan diet, but for those who have the ability and aren’t restricted by specific life situations, and especially for us yogis, I encourage you not only to think but to feel from your heart before you eat.
I know I’m a privileged person and I have the economic means to choose what I eat. Some people say that you can’t eat vegan and organic on a budget or access healthy foods in certain places. You might be right. I’m not judging you or anyone else individually. There are certainly food deserts where what constitutes vegan food is a wilted piece of lettuce. What I encourage is conscious awareness of the means of production and responsibility for each step of the way, and to change If you have the financial, mental and emotional means.
I know some yogis who want to eat eggs and poultry but don’t support industrialized production. So they have a bunch of chickens and turkeys and raise them. If they want to eat an egg or an animal one day, they go get an egg or choose to kill and slaughter one of their animals. While it’s not something I would personally do, I really respect their choice. That’s consciousness in action and full assumption of the consequences of the choice to consume animals. Imagine if you had to kill the cow before you ate it, or milk the cow to get your butter.
Look at these beauties and how they sing along, I don’t know where we stopped treating other animals as sentient beings and started treating them like inanimate objects to be exploited, but I can’t help but think we will look back at this time in history with horror. Then again, we treat each other with such disrespect that it’s heartbreaking. We have a long way to go but I believe we take one step further along the path every time we open our hearts and truly empathize with a fellow sentient being.
May all beings, human and non-human, be free from suffering, free from harm, be happy and be peaceful.


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