NBC Newsのインスタグラム(nbcnews) - 8月26日 06時14分

Swipe for the Week in Pictures ➡
??: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez arrive at the MTV Video Music Awards at Radio City Music Hall in #NYC. ? Carlo Allegri / @reuters
??: A dead sheep lies in a dry and dusty field of a failed crop in New South Wales, #Australia. ? Dean Lewins / @epaphotos
??: Muslims attend a prayer service to celebrate Eid al-Adha on Indonesia’s Lombok island. ? Fred Dufour / @AFP通信
??: Demonstrators gather around a toppled Confederate statue known as “Silent Sam” in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ? Julia Wall / Raleigh News and Observer / Zuma Press
See all 19 images in #TheWeekinPictures through the link in our bio.


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