のインスタグラム(daramuscatlab) - 8月27日 18時42分

City life. Daily life. How many commitments we are making? How many “shoulds” we are having? Are we feeling responsible for our daily routines? Are we waiting for things to happen, people to meet? Where we should wait and where we actually can take it in our own hands? Lately I’ve been feeling very lonely being separated from my close friends, dealing with work and fuck ups on production, not having social gangs that much and etc. Once my mom said to me (when I was a kid) what are you doing to change it? So I started to see people I’m curious about more often, I started to organize our hangs: backgammon in the beach, dancing here and there, foosball, Nintendo battle... now I’m trying to organize a dinner cooking session with music and hangs and a bowling hang out. We are responsible for our own time and happiness, if we don’t have something - we can create it. Once we opened our heart - we can attract new energy, new possibilities, new lifestyle. And to keep it honest and in the way how we are exactly dreaming about it. We have power to create our own routines, flows and to bring into our life people we like and inspired with. It’s a community, it’s a family. Help each other, support each other. Find a way. Everything will be all good.✨???✨ #darasmessage


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




