Nia Sioux Frazierのインスタグラム(niasioux) - 8月28日 03時46分

Today’s #RoleModelMonday, Amber Williams, is a beauty from the inside out! At the age of 10, she started to notice that her skin was changing color, and was soon after diagnosed with Vitiligo. Amber struggled to love what made her unique, even with the support of her parents and church. When she began developing spots on her face, her first instinct was to try to cover it up with makeup. After failed attempts to find a makeup technique that worked, she gave up and began to accept herself. “It is a consistent fight to stay this strong and confident. Once you get there you have to fight like hell to stay there.” While it may have been a process to find her confidence, she has put up a fight and is a shining light for all to look up to! Start off the week right by  practicing Amber’s advice: “You have to look at the parts of you that you don’t like about yourself and find something positive about it.”


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