ミシカのインスタグラム(mishkagram) - 8月29日 07時29分

Tuesdays way back when (actually not that long ago) used to be the day new albums dropped. I looooooved Tuesdays growing up and would haunt record shops after school and work on the reg every Tuesday. In honor of that day and in the hopes of turning this into a habit, I thought I’d do #twofertuesdays where I highlight two new (or relatively new) records that I think you might enjoy. If I occasional slip in a harsh noise and/or a gentle new agey release in here, well you’ll either have to deal with it or broaden those horizons. But for this first at bat I don’t think either of these albums are gonna be a bitter pill. Both write ups in the comments below. - @mypalthecrook


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



