Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月1日 05時48分

Back when we were training Everest in order to release her. The following step was to train her on how to hunt both air to air and air to ground. Behind her, you can see little Cielo going crazy because I was with another living being. I’m sure that Everest is doing great. I don’t raise cry babies, specially if they’re females. I raise the most beautiful and most lethal girls on the Planet. Sometimes, when I remember Everest flying away into the horizon, I remember the countless nights of my past where I used to stare into infinity trying to merge myself with the unknowable, failing to realize that there’s no one to merge and nothing to merge into. What a predicament. One of these days, you’ll understand my dilemma and you’ll remember these words of mine. Everything around us is just a reflection of ourselves. And when one breaks the self, the mirror disappears. Abbandando...
@magomezgarza #PapaBearChronicles


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