ルイス・ウィリアムスのインスタグラム(louwillville) - 9月6日 03時00分

So I realize these apps are drugs so you can’t quit cold turkey. You gotta have a plan and prepare for the next step to fill the void. So I decided to do a 30 day social media cleanse. I’ll start Sept 17th. My plan is to read more and focus on some new business plans. I’m encouraging all my family and friends to join me. I want to pour into the youth as well and show them that it’s cool to be knowledgeable. R.E.A.D

REASSURE - relieving anxiety and restoring confidence

ENRICH - improve or enhance the quality or value of life

ASPIRE - direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something

DREAM - a strongly desired goal or purpose

Who’s with me? Tag #READWithMe coming soon Sept 17. Spread the word.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




