ルイーズ・ペントランドのインスタグラム(louisepentland) - 9月20日 03時45分

As some of you know, I've been making an effort to live a healthier life lately. This means cooking more meals from scratch and thinking a lot about what I put in my body. I don't have all the gadgets and gizmos so I was thrilled to find the Monsieur Cuisine does so much that I don't need them! It weighs, kneads, chops, blends, sears, purees, the list feels endless. It's one of those appliances that does everything so you don't need to have 8 million bits of machinery gathering dust and you can feel really smug that you have a lot less to clean up! It's currently available at @lidluk so if you see it, grab it, you know what it's like in there- you have to take your opportunities!! #ProbsGonnaWinMasterchefNow #ad


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