ヘイゼル・フィンドレーのインスタグラム(hazel_findlay) - 9月21日 17時55分

I spend so much of my time coaching people to climb harder for them to turn around and say, ‘you know what, I don’t want to climb a certain grade I just want to be happier, I want to enjoy climbing more and use it as a tool to better myself’. With this attitude the grades improve automatically. Climbing is a very end-oriented sport. An activity like yoga is more often approached differently; we practice it faithfully and we trust that our downward dog will improve with time. We don’t fear that our heels may never reach the mat, or what people will think of us if they don’t, we simply keep trying. I’m not sure why we don’t promote the same approach in climbing: practice with purpose and the results follow. As soon as we become too achievement/grade driven we loose sight of why we do these things in the first place. If you’d like to learn more about this mindset please follow my coaching. I’ll be teaching my first workshop on ‘climbing and personal development’ at @thecastleclimbingcentre in London October 8th. A few places left. @jonny__baker photo of me on The Phoenix last year: successfully managing to ward off the distraction of performance anxiety and stay present with the climbing. @theflowcentre #mindfulclimbing


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