Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 9月23日 23時26分

From a simple cappuccino, to a glass io wine, from a slice of prosciutto to fried calamari, every new taste was a liberation to me when I moved to Italy more than ten years ago. Notoriously glutton though since I was a little girl, I wasn't really a curious nor attentive to food until my mid twenties.
It took me a couple of years (of living in Italy) to develop a solid interest in what I was eating; real, authentic Italian food, the correct recipes and the artisanal production of iconic ingredients. But then as I developed my interest in food, I got to discover myself. This sentence may sound quite worn out in today’s obsessively foodie media, but food truly is culture, history and an excellent medium to acknowledge our identities.
I have written a long piece in two blog posts about the 10 most striking food memories from the decade I have lived in " Bel Paese", and I loved to hear your feedback.
Apart from food photos, the blog posts are rich with location photos, in particular of Palazzo Altemps that I found very inspiring.
The link to both parts of this post is on the bio.
#LabNoonFood #FlavorsAndEncounters

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