Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月26日 02時01分

Lovey is still nervous because he’s never heard 100 Lions roar at the same time. But he is doing well. In a couple of days he’ll be perfect. When I got there, he was still in his room, a normal thing for him. In Stage 1, only his roar was heard. Here, it’s a different story. The moment that he knows that no other Lion is able to come to his enclosure, he’ll be super relaxed. Again, it’s an issue of time. He Loves being around people, and since we are rebuilding his habitat soon, he’ll be even more comfortable. Lions know what destruction Power they carry inside them, so it’s completely Natural for Lovey to be this way, specially since he’s by himself, contrary to the full Prides that I love at the same time to Stage 2...
Lovey sigue un poco nervioso pero se le va a quitar en unos 5 días. Esta mas tranquilo de lo que me esperaba. Día a día de sentirá mejor...
#ThinkBlue #BabyLoveBJWT #SaveLions #ThinkBlue


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