マーク・シュルマンのインスタグラム(markyplanet) - 10月5日 06時46分

#repost @P!nk(ピンク) Next up!!!!! JASON CHAPMAN (Musical Director, original band member, keyboards) WHO ARE YOU: hardworking, dedicated, loving father, husband, brother + uncle who is dedicated to being a better person. WHAT IS YOUR FAV SNACK/SHOW/SONG: cookies/shark tank/ too many to list. WHY DO YOU PLAY? I play music because it’s my passion... my happy place. HOW OR WHEN DID YOU KNOW WHO TO BE: at 10 years old I knew I wanted to be a musician when my father brought home a baby grand piano. HAVE YOU ENCOUNTERED RACISM: I’ve encountered racism at an early age. I was 11 years old when a group of men yelled racial slurs at me. WHAT IS LOVE: love is an emotion that is validated by positive actions. It is selfless, caring, and respectful. WHAT IS THE WAY FORWARD: forgiving those who hurt me...learning from my mistakes... and never giving up. IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT THE WORLD: I would replace fear and hatred with acceptance and love. @therealjasonchapman


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