ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 10月6日 05時21分

To all my sisters out there,
This week has been deeply painful for us all...
BUT... no matter what happens today, we will get up again and again, as only women know how to.

We will continue to fight by spreading light, love & belonging.

We will continue breaking the silence by using our voices.

We will continue to find our reflections in the other.

We will continue to embrace ourselves and each other.
The centuries of oppression have strengthened us. We are no longer afraid of those who reject us, their abuse is the arena that turned us into this army of warriors.
We (women) understand the struggle deeper than anyone else because we know that,

our pain, no matter how strong, is our rain...
that which makes us grow & blossom.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



