イングリッド・ニールセンのインスタグラム(ingridnilsen) - 10月8日 05時52分

It has felt so comforting to get outside (I went apple picking for the first time ever) and spend time with people I love this weekend. When the world feels like it’s falling apart and it’s hard to keep the faith, I’ve learned to focus on the things I *can* change. I reach for what I can give. I breathe. I listen. I live in the moment in front of me - not the past or the future. These moments are just about taking the next right step because ultimately, self preservation leads to replenishment and replenishment leads to faith and faith leads to the fight. This is how I keep going. We must keep going. ❤️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




