“Traveling is a privilege,” I keep saying that to myself so i can be more thankful wherever i am. And yes, i’m lucky. And if you call yourself a traveler, yes you are very very lucky. . . “Ya ampun, belom pernah ke Flores?,” (as if like everyone HAS to go there) “Loh bulan depan gak kemana-mana?” (As if like every month you should travel) “Demi apa lo belom pernah ke Jepang? Orang orang aja bolak balik masa lo enggak pernah” . . Traveling is a matter of priority and it’s not obligatory. Setiap orang yg mengeluh ke gue ttg mereka belum kesana kemari, gue selalu blg “ya emang traveling mahal.. harus nabung. tergantung prioritas. Kalau prioritas buat bangun rumah ya jalanin dulu,” Terlebih banyak teman teman kita yang jangankan traveling, sekolah aja gak mampu. . And there’s a saying, “kamu bakal menemukan jati diri ketika traveling,” Ada benarnya tapi gak cuma traveling kok cara untuk mengenal diri lebih baik. Kalo travelingnya cuma buat foto-foto (or taking the exact same picts like everyone) atau belanja ya susah juga untuk menemukan jati diri :) . And really, you don’t have to travel far to have a good time esp with yourself. Find a new hobby, find a passion, be an observer, read a book, listen music, listen more when people talk, watch great movies, create something. So many ways.. . Sorry to say this out loud and long, tapi bener deh, kalau traveling hanya untuk sekedar lifestyle, status dalam society, atau karena merasa tersaingi, please don’t. . Because again, traveling is a privilege. Not everyone can travel. Be thankful. It’s special. You will have crazy adventure, meet up with lots of strangers, different stories, yes, traveling is wonderful but that doesn’t mean it’s an obligatory for everyone to travel, bukan sebuah kewajiban. . But when you do, you’re one lucky person. Harus bersyukur :) . . Yes that is me taken by @capra311 ? //

puanindyaさん(@puanindya)が投稿した動画 -

Putri Anindyaのインスタグラム(puanindya) - 10月9日 18時22分

“Traveling is a privilege,” I keep saying that to myself so i can be more thankful wherever i am. And yes, i’m lucky. And if you call yourself a traveler, yes you are very very lucky. .
. “Ya ampun, belom pernah ke Flores?,” (as if like everyone HAS to go there)
“Loh bulan depan gak kemana-mana?” (As if like every month you should travel) “Demi apa lo belom pernah ke Jepang? Orang orang aja bolak balik masa lo enggak pernah”
Traveling is a matter of priority and it’s not obligatory.
Setiap orang yg mengeluh ke gue ttg mereka belum kesana kemari, gue selalu blg “ya emang traveling mahal.. harus nabung. tergantung prioritas. Kalau prioritas buat bangun rumah ya jalanin dulu,” Terlebih banyak teman teman kita yang jangankan traveling, sekolah aja gak mampu. .
And there’s a saying, “kamu bakal menemukan jati diri ketika traveling,” Ada benarnya tapi gak cuma traveling kok cara untuk mengenal diri lebih baik. Kalo travelingnya cuma buat foto-foto (or taking the exact same picts like everyone) atau belanja ya susah juga untuk menemukan jati diri :)
And really, you don’t have to travel far to have a good time esp with yourself. Find a new hobby, find a passion, be an observer, read a book, listen music, listen more when people talk, watch great movies, create something.
So many ways.. .
Sorry to say this out loud and long, tapi bener deh, kalau traveling hanya untuk sekedar lifestyle, status dalam society, atau karena merasa tersaingi, please don’t. .

Because again, traveling is a privilege. Not everyone can travel. Be thankful. It’s special. You will have crazy adventure, meet up with lots of strangers, different stories, yes, traveling is wonderful but that doesn’t mean it’s an obligatory for everyone to travel, bukan sebuah kewajiban. .
But when you do, you’re one lucky person. Harus bersyukur :)
Yes that is me taken by @capra311 ? //


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