ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 10月12日 04時23分

SWIPE 🌹 “In spite of my great admiration for individual splendid talents I do not accept the star system. Collective creative effort is the root of our kind of art. That requires ensemble acting and whoever mars that ensemble is committing a crime not only against his comrades but also against the very art of which he is the servant.”
-Constantin Stanislavski ✨ Behind the scenes of Black Summer. The connection and means of how my cast and I drop into each take, gently lift each other back into safety after cut is shown. Each time it is different. The only intent that stays the same is our relentless search and dedication for truth. Thank you to every actor who gives beyond their work. That knows that to abandon our partners is to abandon the very gift of humanity and art itself. #give #setlife #blacksummer @ネットフリックス


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