ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 10月13日 03時25分

Thank you for all the amazing feedback on our http://tim.ly/sam video of my @karmagawa trip to visit @vetpaw down in #southafrica and to those asking, YES, I was still #teaching and #stocktrading during that trip and throughout ALL my trips...when I say #nodaysoff i really mean it! Some say I should just sit in an office and be like a normal #stocktrader but as Eminem taught me, a normal life is boring, and I absolutely love the #laptoplifestyle as it allows me to create a #mobileoffice wherever I go! This picture was taken by @karmagawa co-founder @badboi just minutes before a #rhino de-horning we sponsored which gives #rhinos a greater chance at survival from #poachers who are only interested in their horns. Shout out to my badass friends @elisha__h and @reneeherbert_ for being so awesome on this crazy trip and I can’t thank @sam_kolder and @jbxcreative enough for crafting together such a masterful video that‘s helping @vetpaw get more exposure and funding necessary in order to protect more #endangeredspecies from #animalpoachers who are going straight to hell for the pain and suffering they cause! #fbf #flashbackfriday #tia #vetpaw #helicopter #twinning #helilife #givingback #samkolder #dreamjob #herberttwins #ilovemyjob #karmagawa #jewmanji


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