ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 10月14日 23時01分

Photo by Stephen Alvarez @salvarezphoto | A long extinct Steppe Bison painted on the ceiling of Altamira Cave, Spain. The cave of Altamira was reported in 1880 by Don Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola. It was the first paleolithic art cave to be identified. The cave was first greeted with amazement but the discovery soon deteriorated into deep controversy that followed Marcelino Sanz de Salutoula to his grave. In the 1880s it was thought that prehistoric humans lacked the capacity for abstract thought. Paintings like this could not have possibly been made by Ice Age people. It was not until other paleolithic art caves were discovered in France that Altamira was accepted as genuine.
Archaeological deposits in the cave place human occupation between the Upper Solutrean and Lower Magdalenian eras (18,500-14,000 BCE). Uranium/Thorium dating of calcite deposits on top of some of the artworks place the works within the Aurignacian and Solutrean periods (36,000-22,000 BCE). This U-T dating suggests that Altamira was painted over a period of more than 10,000 years.
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