WilldaBeastのインスタグラム(willdabeast__) - 10月18日 14時46分

WHAT aye @クリス・ブラウン @bigwillsimmons @immaspace #immaspace #strongpositiveattitudeschangeeverything ?? ——So last week I was looking for a sub, and I thought to myself who has been working hard, who is deserving, and who really loves to teach… Then one of my day one students @bigwillsimmons came to mind !! I love giving people an opportunity to showcase their talents ... ? it’s what w do @beastnetwork @immabeastco and it’s one of my favorite things in the world !!! —-

He taught a great class, had students that Have been raving about how well he taught , and now Chris Brown reposted him tonight ?????So proud of you can’t wait for more little brother @immabeastco #immaHIGHsociety


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Kalani Hillikerのインスタグラム
Kalani Hillikerさんがフォロー
