クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 10月23日 05時47分

Today was one of those days at work. Hope it doesn’t sound like bragging but We were on FIRE! But that’s what happens when you work for a company with proper leadership that trusts their talent to do what they’re hired to do and when you know the higher ups have faith in YOUR mind, your personality and your TALENT- you feel at ease, comfortable, appreciated and you can SOAR! That’s what’s so great about being part of a TEAM that wants to WIN together. Thank you to our PD- @geocook who has been a pleasure to work for. The All New Morning Rush was his baby so he thought to put “comedian” @rudyrush and “TV’s” Claudia Jordan- together. ?? and roll the dice. I really appreciate this opportunity and your faith in myself and @rudyrush !! We’re looking forward to the future and future announcements ? We’re ready! ?? #SmoothR&B 105.7 #DallasAndBeyond #Dallas❤️ #MorningShow #TheMorningRush #WeComingYall ????


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